Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Soooooo, I realized that people are still visiting our dear old little blog hoping for just a tiny glimpse into the exciting lives of Tara and Tracy.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but the life of Tracy is not so exciting these days. I get up. I go to class. I go to work. I go to more class. I long to nap. I become overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do. I have a mini-meltdown. And then folks, I call it a day. I go to bed. And I get up the next morning and do it all over again. Oh, and bagels, I eat a lot of bagels.

This cylce has been punctuated by some drama, of the boy variety of course. But such is life.

Tara's life, on the other hand, is super exciting because she is in Chile! And you can read ALLLLL about it at

yesssss, click that link! you know you want to!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

he's trying to kill me with environmentalism.

Today my summer job ended and I moved back home to Lancaster. Today also happened to be the hottest, stickiest day of the entire summer -- the Department of Homeland Security put out some official heat warning, DC-area pools extended their hours, deodorants of every brand didn't stand up to the job. It felt like death outside. And after lugging every single one of my possessions out of my dorm room and into the humidity, I was practically melting to a puddle right on the corner of Mass Ave.

So I was really appreciative of the air conditioning during the car ride home, and I also spent some time daydreaming about the central air at my dad's house. Mmmmm central air, how I love you for keeping me puddle-free and happy!

But when I walked in the door, I FELT NO CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING. "Oh yeah, it's still broken," my brother casually mentioned to me. "It hasn't been working forever. But you can open some windows and it's sort of okay."

After unpacking about 358 suitcases in my tiny, sweltering, un-air conditioned bedroom, I felt like a) I had never left DC and I must not be at home after all, b) I wanted to die, c) I should probably get rid of half of the things I own, and d) I would do absolutely anything for some beautiful amazing cold air.

Eventually, I resigned myself to my sweaty uncomfortable fate, sucked it up, and opened some windows like my brother suggested. And I asked my dad how long our air conditioning had been broken.

"Oh, it works fine," he answered cheerfully. "We just try not to use it."

No. No way. I almost would have laughed at him, except I wanted to cry on the inside. "But...wait a minute...Seth told me did you not USE IT today?!?!??"

"It was easy! We just didn't turn it on!" he said, smiling at me like I was making a funny joke. Unfortunately for both of us, I start losing my sense of humor around 93 degrees.

whyyyy is my dad trying to kill me why why why why whyyyy


i'm not the only one!

Anybody that really knows me knows that I despise the word "panties" (just typing it makes me cringe). Most people think it's weird. But it's just so creepy to me.

Today while I was at work not working, I was reading Glamour online and I found this piece about the vile word. I feel validated.


Friday, August 7, 2009

center for disease control announces new epidemic

An epidemic has hit our nation's capital! The Center for Disease Control is calling it "pleated pantsitis" and they estimate that seven in ten males in Washington, DC have contracted it! They're particularly concerned about the "khaki strain" of this virus (also called P1K1) which may be resistant to antibiotics.

Symptoms include:
-Owning 1+ pairs of pleated pants
-Wearing pleated pants in any context
-Confusion as to why pleated pants are a fashion don't

Pleated pantsitis can lead to a loss of one's "game", loss of one's dignity, and if left untreated can result in fashion suicide.

If you have already contracted pleated pantsitis, the CDC recommends you visit your nearest department store for treatment. If you are not infected and wish to reduce your chances of contracting pleated pantsitis, the CDC is recommending GQ and the Style Network as preventative measures.


PS - I hope you're glad we're back, bitches!

to be determined: back with a vengeance!

Okay, so Tracy and I have obviously taken a hiatus from our blog. We got a little lazy this summer and stopped appreciating the blogworthy moments in our lives. We know we disappointed you. We know you probably spent countless days this summer sitting at your computer, trying to refresh this page and crying when there were no new blog posts to be found. Please forgive us.

But never fear! We are BACK -- with new photos, new anecdotes, new dialogues, and a brand new layout. Get excited.


Friday, June 5, 2009

sorry, Trent

So after that last post, I got to thinking. And I decided that Tara and I don't embarrass our friends enough. Sure I embarrass them by making a scene in public just about every chance I get; but that's just them being embarrassed by our friendship, sometimes I just want them to be embarrassed about themselves. So I had this thought in the back of my head when I was shamelessly creeping on Trent's photos. And I decided that he is my favorite person to facebook creep (besides potential love-interests, of course!) because HE MAKES THE BEST FACES EVER! Observe:
Trent, you are my favorite!